¸´ÔÓÐÔÎÄÕª NO£º2004.25

Complexity Digest 2004.25

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Mirror: http://www.phil.pku.edu.cn/resguide/comdig/ (Chinese GB-Code) "I think
the next century will be the century of complexity." Stephen Hawking



01. Imitation of Life: How Biology Is Inspiring Computing, MIT Press
01.01. Inkjet Printing of Viable Mammalian Cells, Biomaterials
02. Will RFID Spark the Next Revolution in Retailing?, Knowledge@Wharton
02.01. Big Bang! Digital Convergence is Finally Happening, Business Week
02.02. Who's The Real Mr. Chips?, Business Week
02.03. Artificial Intelligence: Animation Finally Gets NextGen Technology,
Financial Express
03. The Ties That Bind, Nature
04. Matchmaking, Science
04.01. Matching Behavior and the Representation of Value in the Parietal
Cortex, Science
05. The Poor Are Always With Us. Why?, Knowledge@Wharton
05.01. U.S. Cotton Subsidies Criticized, NPR ATC
06. Music Lessons Give Kids A Small IQ Advantage, Science News
06.01. Tunes Create Context Like Language, Nature
07. Strange Food For Thought, Christian Science Monitor
07.01. My Left Brain And Me: A Dissociation In The Perception Of Self And
Others, Neuropsychologia
08. Brain Plasticity - Whole Cells and Synapses, q-bio arVix
09. New Technique Developed For Deciphering Brain Recordings Can Capture
Thinking As It Happens, ScienceDaily
09.01. Electroencephalographic Brain Dynamics Following Visual Targets, Public
Library of Science Biology
10. Molecular Biology: The Loader Of The Rings, Nature
10.01. Adding A Chromosome May Treat Disease, NewScientist
10.02. Validating the Interactome, The Scientist
10.03. The Evolution Of Supertrees, Trends Ecol. & Evol.
10.04. Mutation And Selection In A Large Population, Biosystems
11. Embryonic Stem Cells Work, The Scientist
11.01. The Case For Negative Senescence, Theor. Popul. Biol.
11.02. Nano Silicon Boosts Tumour Fight, BBC News
12. How Do You Persist When Your Molecules Don't?, Science & Consciousness
13. Survival Of The Fastest: Scientists 'Selectively Breed' Winning Formula One
Cars, ScienceDaily
13.01. Fast Cars Could Be Tuned By Evolution, NewScientist
13.02. Computers Chase the Checkered Flag, NY Times
14. Utah Rocks Help Explain Martian "Blueberries", NewScientist
14.01. Mars Rover Spies Pot Of Gold, NewScientist
14.02. NASA: Comets Richer Than Previously Thought, NPR ATC
15. Florida Will Reinstate Voting for Ex-Felons, NPR ATC
15.01. Sweeping Stun Guns To Target Crowds, NewScientist
16. Show Us the Proof, NY Times
16.01. Marine Commander Admits Iraqi Unit Has Been Erratic, Washington Post
16.02. Mistakes Loom Large as Handover Nears, Washington Post
17. Rumsfeld Acknowledges Prisoner Held in Secret, NPR ATC
17.01. Torture Policy, Washington Post
18. Report Faults U.S. Action on Nuclear Proliferation, Washington Post
18.01. Conspiracy Threat To Anti-Nuke Treaty, NewScientist
18.02. Nuclear Politics and Proliferation, NPR TOTN
19. Complex Challenges: Global Terrorist Networks
19.01. Chaotic Civilian, Military Reaction to Attacks Recounted, NPR ATC
19.02. US Must Invest In Science Of Dot-Connecting, Christian Science Monitor
19.03. Capitol Plane Scare Blamed On Lack of Communication, Washington Post
19.04. U.S. Said to Overstate Value of Guant amo Detainees, NY Times
19.05. No Saudi Payment to Qaeda Is Found, NY Times
20. Links & Snippets
20.01. Other Publications
20.02. Webcast Announcements
20.03. Conference & Call for Papers Announcements


01. Imitation of Life: How Biology Is Inspiring Computing , MIT Press

Excerpts::  As computers and the tasks they perform become increasingly
complex, researchers are looking to nature -- as model and as metaphor -- for
inspiration. The organization and behavior of biological organisms present
scientists with an invitation to reinvent computing for the complex tasks of
the future. In Imitation of Life, Nancy Forbes surveys the emerging field of
biologically inspired computing, looking at some of the most impressive and
influential examples of this fertile synergy.

* Imitation of Life: How Biology Is Inspiring Computing, Nancy Forbes ,
2004/03, MIT Press
* Contributed by Carlos Gershenson


01.01. Inkjet Printing of Viable Mammalian Cells , Biomaterials

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore the use of a commercial
thermal printer to deposit Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) and embryonic motoneuron
cells into pre-defined patterns. These experiments were undertaken to verify
the biocompatibility of thermal inkjet printing of mammalian cells and the
ability to assemble them into viable constructs. Using a modified Hewlett
Packard (HP) 550C computer printer and an HP 51626a ink cartridge, CHO cells
and rat embryonic motoneurons were suspended separately in a concentrated
phosphate buffered saline solution (3?). The cells were subsequently printed as
a kind of "ink" onto several "bio-papers" made from soy agar and collagen gel.
The appearance of the CHO cells and motoneurons on the bio-papers indicated an
healthy cell morphology. Furthermore, the analyses of the CHO cell viability
showed that less than 8% of the cells were lysed during printing. These data
indicate that mammalian cells can be effectively delivered by a modified
thermal inkjet printer onto biological substrates and that they retain their
ability to function. The computer-aided inkjet printing of viable mammalian
cells holds potential for creating living tissue analogs, and may eventually
lead to the construction of engineered human organs.

* Inkjet Printing of Viable Mammalian Cells, Tao Xu , Joyce Jin , Cassie
Gregory , J.J.James J. Hickman , Thomas Boland , 2005/01, DOI:
10.1016/j.biomaterials.2004.04.011, Biomaterials 26(1):93-99
* Contributed by Carlos Gershenson


02. Will RFID Spark the Next Revolution in Retailing? , Knowledge@Wharton

Excerpts: Wal-Mart, Target and other companies see radio-frequency
identification (RFID) as a technology that will usher in the next revolution in
the world of retailing. How real is this revolution? And what does it mean for
retailers and customers? Experts at Wharton and elsewhere say that RFID is a
potentially powerful technology that is on the brink of having a big impact.
Still, several hurdles remain that make it hard to predict whether its benefits
will be immediate or spread out years into the future.

* Will RFID Spark the Next Revolution in Retailing?, Knowledge@Wharton


02.01. Big Bang! Digital Convergence is Finally Happening , Business Week

Excerpts: What's this, A digital role-playing game? There's Dell Inc. (...)
selling flat-screen TVs. Microsoft Corp. (... ) execs are unveiling a system to
compete with the iPod that plays movies as well as music. And Cisco Systems
Inc. (... ) is hawking a Wi-Fi boombox you can carry out by the pool. Nearly
everyone, it seems, is venturing far from their specialties. (...) TV
manufacturers in Japan and cell-phone makers in Korea are jerry-rigging their
products with microprocessors and software, racing to turn them into a new
generation of digit-gobbling, network-ready contraptions.

* Big Bang! Big Bang! Digital Convergence is Finally Happening, 04/06/21,


02.02. Who's The Real Mr. Chips? , Business Week

Excerpts: The work of three scientists gave birth to transistors -- and to
Silicon Valley (...)
As part of its anniversary celebration, BusinessWeek is presenting a series of
weekly profiles for the greatest innovators of the past 75 years. Some made
their mark in science or technology; others in management, finance, marketing,
or government. In late September, 2004, BusinessWeek will publish a special
commemorative issue on Innovation.

* Who's The Real Mr. Chips?, 04/06/21, BusinessWeek


02.03. Artificial Intelligence: Animation Finally Gets NextGen Technology ,
Financial Express

Excerpts: (...), in a battle sequence, the technology applies artificial
intelligence to character animation. In other words, the spaceships have
learned to react and adapt. It  quite a breakthrough for the future of video
games and movie animation. (...)
In video games, characters can learn to compete and make it more challenging
for the user. In movies, animators can automate characters in scenes so they
don  have to tell each character what to do.
German motor manufacturer Audi has turned to 3D animation to support the launch
of its new A6 online (...).

* Artificial Intelligence: Animation Finally Gets NextGen Technology, 04/06/16,
Financial Express


03. The Ties That Bind , Nature

Excerpts: Attachment: the nature of the bonds between humans are becoming
accessible to scientific investigation.

Attachment is the name we give to bonds between people. It has been central to
song and story since the dawn of human time, but has only recently become a
subject of scientific study. Sigmund Freud had much to say about how the mind
handles it, but conceded that "our provisional ideas in psychology will someday
be based on an organic substructure". Today, we have glimmerings of that

* The Ties That Bind, Melvin Konner  , 04/06/17, DOI: 10.1038/429705a, Nature
429, 705


04. Matchmaking , Science

Excerpts: Situated in the middle between sensation and action is
decision-making. Choosing between actions usually requires learning how these
actions determine the rewards and punishments that an environment affords, and
how this depends on sensory circumstance. Computationally, decision-making is
hard to study because these factors are nonstationary: The environment may be
dynamic. The subject's knowledge about the environment surely is.
Experimentally, the information associated with choice (...) is rather
slippery. It is only loosely amenable to experimental control, and only dimly
illuminated by behavior.

* Matchmaking, Nathaniel D. Daw  , Peter Dayan  , 04/06/18, Science : 1753-1754


04.01. Matching Behavior and the Representation of Value in the Parietal Cortex
, Science

Excerpts: Psychologists and economists have long appreciated the contribution
of reward history and expectation to decision-making. Yet we know little about
how specific histories of choice and reward lead to an internal representation
of the "value" of possible actions. We approached this problem through an
integrated application of behavioral, computational, and physiological
techniques. Monkeys were placed in a dynamic foraging environment in which they
had to track the changing values of alternative choices through time. In this
context, the monkeys' foraging behavior provided a window into their subjective
valuation. We found that a simple model based on reward history can duplicate
this behavior and that neurons in the parietal cortex represent the relative
value of competing actions predicted by this model.

* Matching Behavior and the Representation of Value in the Parietal Cortex ,
Leo P. Sugrue , Greg S. Corrado , William T. Newsome

, 04/06/18, Science : 1782-1787


05. The Poor Are Always With Us. Why? , Knowledge@Wharton

Excerpts: Reading David Shipler's most recent book, The Working Poor: Invisible
in America, it's difficult not to think about the metaphor for chaos theory: A
butterfly flaps its wings in China resulting in a hurricane in New York. As a
matter of both economics and sociology, Shipler works doggedly to show us that,
in the lives of the working poor in America, small actions have
disproportionately large impacts.

* The Poor Are Always With Us. Why?, Knowledge@Wharton


05.01. U.S. Cotton Subsidies Criticized , NPR ATC

Excerpts: Brazil has filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization
against U.S. cotton subsidies. African and South American cotton growers claim
that American cotton subsidies violate international trade laws. Hear NPR's
Martin Kaste.

* U.S. Cotton Subsidies Criticized, 04/06/17, NPR ATC


06. Music Lessons Give Kids A Small IQ Advantage , Science News

Excerpts: Researchers have debunked the much-publicized idea, known as the
Mozart effect, that listening to classical music improves children's ability to
reason about spatial relations and other nonverbal tasks. Learning to play a
musical instrument or to sing, however, may indeed give youngsters an
intellectual edge over their peers, a new study suggests.

Six-year-olds who took weekly piano or singing lessons throughout the school
year exhibited an average IQ increase of 7.0 points (...).
Other 6-year-olds who either took weekly drama lessons or received no
extracurricular lessons displayed an average IQ rise of 4.3 points,(...).

* Music Lessons Give Kids A Small IQ Advantage, Bruce Bower , 04/06/19, Science


06.01. Tunes Create Context Like Language , Nature


Repitition of notes in music create semantic meaning.


(...) musical notes are strung together in the same patterns as words in a
piece of literature, according to an Argentinian physicist.

His analysis also reveals a key difference between tonal compositions, which
are written in a particular key, and atonal ones, which are not. This sheds
light on why many people find it so hard to make sense of atonal works.

In both written text and speech, the frequency with which different words are
used follows a striking pattern.

* Tunes Create Context Like Language, Philip Ball , 04/06/19, Nature


07. Strange Food For Thought , Christian Science Monitor

Excerpts: The brain-enhancement revolution is already under way. The drug
Ritalin, first given to control hyperactivity in children, now is routinely
used by healthy high school and college students to sharpen their thinking
before taking exams. The long-term health effects are unknown.

Modafinil was developed to treat narcolepsy, a rare condition causing daytime
sleepiness. But now it is used by those who simply want to be wakeful and
alert, (...). Transcranial magnetic stimulation, used for nearly two decades to
treat depression, has also been found to enhance problem-solving abilities in
normal individuals.

* Strange Food For Thought, Gregory M. Lamb  , 04/06/17, Christian Science


07.01. My Left Brain And Me: A Dissociation In The Perception Of Self And
Others , Neuropsychologia

Excerpts: We investigated hemispheric asymmetries in face processing using a
task in which participants judged the likeness of chimeric faces to their own
face and to the face of a close friend based on their memory for those faces.
(...) This result shows that in the case of these highly familiar faces-self
and friend-the perceptual asymmetry is preserved in the memory representation.
Assuming that people remember their own face as a mirror-image, the data also
suggest a dissociation in face processing such that the left brain is dominant
for the recognition of self and the right brain is (...) of others.

* My Left Brain And Me: A Dissociation In The Perception Of Self And Others, U.
Noppeney u.noppeney@fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk , J. Phillips  , C. Price , 42:9, 2004,
online 2004/04/14, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2004.02.007,
* Contributed by Atin Das


08. Brain Plasticity - Whole Cells and Synapses , q-bio arVix

Author's summary: Learning-related plasticity in the brain may not be limited
to synaptic strength,
so-called long-term potentiation and depression (LTP/LTD).
There is an intricate and complex regulation of receptor density and placement
for other neurochemicals like dopamine, acetylcholine. Like LTP,
they depend on the history of exposure and are thus use-dependent and
plastic. Known to be the target of many psychoactive substances, these
receptors could be prominent in different forms of 'emotional memory'.

See also:

Regulation of Neuromodulator Efficacy - Implications for Whole-Neuron and
Synaptic Plasticity, Gabriele Scheler, Progress in Neurobiology 72(6), pp.
399-415, 04/04

* Memorization In A Neural Network With Adjustable Transfer Function And
Conditional Gating, Gabriele Scheler , 04/06/07, q-bio archive,q-bio.NC/0403011


09. New Technique Developed For Deciphering Brain Recordings Can Capture
Thinking As It Happens , ScienceDaily

Excerpts: A team (...) has developed a new approach to interpreting brain
electroencephalograms, or EEGs, that provides an unprecedented view of thought
in action and has the potential to advance our understanding of disorders like
epilepsy and autism. The new information processing and visualization methods
that make it possible to follow activation in different areas of the brain
dynamically are detailed in a paper (...). The significance of the advance is
that thought processes occur on the order of milliseconds--thousandths of a
second--but current brain imaging techniques, such as functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging and traditional EEGs, are averaged over seconds. (...)

* New Technique Developed For Deciphering Brain Recordings Can Capture Thinking
As It Happens, 2004/06/15, ScienceDaily & University Of California - San Diego
* Contributed by Atin Das


09.01. Electroencephalographic Brain Dynamics Following Visual Targets , Public
Library of Science Biology

Excerpts: We applied infomax independent component analysis (ICA) to parse the
dynamics of the unaveraged 31-channel EEG signals into maximally independent
processes, then clustered the resulting processes across subjects by
similarities in their scalp maps and activity power spectra, identifying nine
classes of EEG processes with distinct spatial distributions and event-related
dynamics. (...)

The observed event-related changes in local field activities, within and
between cortical areas, may serve to modulate the strength of spike-based
communication between cortical areas to update attention, expectancy, memory,
and motor preparation during and after target recognition and speeded

* Electroencephalographic Brain Dynamics Following Visual Targets, Makeig S ,
Delorme A , Westerfield M , Townsend J , Courchense E , Sejnowski T  , 2004,
Public Library of Science Biology


10. Molecular Biology: The Loader Of The Rings , Nature

Excerpts: Among the numerous molecular machines involved in the process of DNA
replication are the ring-shaped sliding clamp and the clamp loader. Intriguing
structural details of their interaction are now revealed.

(...) the sliding clamp can slide along DNA, and so provides a mechanism for
tethering the DNA polymerase to the template. (...)

The ring-shaped nature of the sliding clamp presents a simple topological
problem: how is DNA introduced into the hole in the clamp's centre? This is the
job of a complex molecular engine termed the clamp loader, (...).

* Molecular Biology: The Loader Of The Rings, Michael A. Trakselis , Stephen D.
Bell  , 04/06/17, DOI: 10.1038/429708a, Nature 429, 708 - 709


10.01. Adding A Chromosome May Treat Disease , NewScientist

Excerpts: Genetic diseases might one day be treated by adding an entirely new
chromosome to people's cells. (...)

Conventional gene therapy relies on modified viruses to insert the desired bit
of DNA into a cell's genome. But viruses can carry only short sequences of DNA.
And if the DNA lands in the wrong place, (...) it can trigger cancer.

Adding an entirely separate chromosome, however, eliminates this risk. And
rather than being limited to one or two small genes, vast chunks of DNA can be
added if desired.

* Adding A Chromosome May Treat Disease, Sylvia Pagan Westphal  , 04/06/16, New


10.02. Validating the Interactome , The Scientist


MOLECULAR CARTOGRAPHY: Recognizing that much of the cell's work is done not by
individual proteins but by large macromolecular complexes, researchers
increasingly are trying to map protein-protein interactions throughout the
cell. This map of the C. elegans interaction network, or "interactome," links
2,898 proteins (nodes) by 5,460 interactions (edges). (reprinted with
permission, Science, 303:540-3, 2004.)

Molecular cartographers who choose to take on the interactome should be
patient, long-lived, or both, at least if they adhere to Marc Vidal's
definition. The interactome, says the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researcher,
is a map of "all interactions that take place in an organism between all
proteins, in all cells, all tissues, at all ages, and in response to all
possible environmental conditions the organism sees in the wild." (...)
The studies are remarkable for their scale. But their real power, (...), lies
in what they reveal about the underlying biology.

* Validating the Interactome, Jeffrey M. Perkel , 04/06/21, The Scientist


10.03. The Evolution Of Supertrees , Trends Ecol. & Evol.

Excerpts: Supertrees result from combining many smaller, overlapping
phylogenetic trees into a single, more comprehensive tree. As such, supertree
(...) remains our only way of visualizing the Tree of Life as a whole. Here, I
review the history of the supertree approach, focusing mainly on its current
implementation. The supertrees of today represent some of the largest, complete
phylogenies available for many groups, but are not without their critics. I
conclude by arguing that the ever-growing molecular revolution will result in
supertree construction taking on a new role (...) as part of a
divide-and-conquer phylogenetic approach.

* The Evolution Of Supertrees, O. R. P. B.-Emonds Olaf.Bininda@tierzucht.tum.de
, Jun. 2004, online 2004/03/19, DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2004.03.015, Trends in
Ecology & Evolution
* Contributed by Atin Das


10.04. Mutation And Selection In A Large Population , Biosystems

Abstract: In this paper we study a large, but finite population, in which
mutation and selection occur at a single genetic locus in a diploid organism.
We provide theoretical results for the equilibrium allele frequencies, their
variances and covariances and their equilibrium distribution, when the
population size is larger than the reciprocal of the mean allelic mutation
rate. Our results provide a rapid way of obtaining useful information in the
case of complex mutation and selection schemes when the population size is
large. We present numerical simulations (...) are in very reasonable agreement
with the theoretical predictions.

* Mutation And Selection In A Large Population, J. R. Peck
J.R.Peck@sussex.ac.uk , D. Waxman  , A. Cruikshank , Apr.-Jun. 2004, online
2004/04/22, DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2004.12.004, Biosystems
* Contributed by Pritha Das


11. Embryonic Stem Cells Work , The Scientist

Excerpts: "The Parkinson's model has been regarded as the number-one model
system to test whether stem cells will fulfill their potential or not," (...).
Together these papers show that ESCs could differentiate into functional
neurons and could be used to treat disease.

(...) ESCs can differentiate and function in vivo, but controlling tumorigenic
growth is a hurdle that has yet to be cleared. McKay's group prevented
tumorigenesis by differentiating the ESCs outside of the brain, but the
transgenic techniques they used might not pass muster for clinical trials in

HALF A MIND: Lesioned brains 16 weeks after embryonic stem cell transplant
stain positive for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH: green), dopamine transporter (DAT:
red), and aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC: blue) in an overlaid image.
Bar equals 25 .

* Embryonic Stem Cells Work, Maria W. Anderson  , 04/06/21, The Scientist


11.01. The Case For Negative Senescence , Theor. Popul. Biol.

Excerpts: Negative senescence is characterized by a decline in mortality with
age after reproductive maturity, generally accompanied by an increase in
fecundity. (...) We review empirical studies of various plants and some kinds
of animals that may experience negative senescence and conclude that negative
senescence may be widespread, especially in indeterminate-growth species for
which size and fertility increase with age. We develop optimization models of
life-history strategies that demonstrate that negative senescence is
theoretically possible. More generally, our models contribute to understanding
of the evolutionary and demographic forces that mold the age-trajectories of
mortality, fertility and growth.

* The Case For Negative Senescence, J. W. Vaupel jwv@demogr.mpg.de , A.
Baudisch  , M. D ling  , D. A. Roach  , J. Gampe , Jun. 2004, online
2004/04/02, DOI: 10.1016/j.tpb.2003.12.003, Theoretical Population Biology
* Contributed by Pritha Das


11.02. Nano Silicon Boosts Tumour Fight , BBC News


The new nano-material has broad applications

The new nano drug-delivery system is based on the material known as

Its developers expect it to be part of the next generation of brachytherapy -
cancer-zapping treatment given at a very short distance from the tumour. (...)

"Silicon, when reduced to the nanoscale (less than one thousand millionth of a
metre) becomes biodegradable and dissolves into the body as silicic

"Because BioSilicon is a semi-conductor, we can move more towards smart devices
which can sense and monitor activities then release its drugs,"(...).

* Nano Silicon Boosts Tumour Fight, 04/06/18, BBC News


12. How Do You Persist When Your Molecules Don't? , Science & Consciousness

Excerpts: Now the brain is supposed to be some sort of computer. It is an
intricate network of some 1,000 trillion synaptic connections, each of these
synapses having been lovingly crafted by experience to have a particular shape,
a particular neurochemistry. It is of course the information represented at
these junctions that makes us who we are. But how the heck do these synapses
retain a stable identity when the chemistry of cells is almost on the boil,
with large molecules falling apart nearly as soon as they are made?

* How Do You Persist When Your Molecules Don't?, John McCrone , 04/06, Science
& Consciousness Review


13. Survival Of The Fastest: Scientists 'Selectively Breed' Winning Formula One
Cars , ScienceDaily

Excerpts: Speed is the name of the game in the world of racing and now
University College London scientists have developed a technique that 'breeds'
winning Formula One cars. By applying Darwinian principles to the art of motor
racing, the researchers demonstrate in simulations that it's possible to knock
crucial tenths of a second off lap time by tailoring a car's setup to whatever
conditions are faced on the track. (...) researchers will report on a new
computer model based on genetic algorithms that optimises performance by
selectively combining the best settings of Formula One cars to produce the
ultimate configuration. (...)

* Survival Of The Fastest: Scientists 'Selectively Breed' Winning Formula One
Cars, 2004/06/17, ScienceDaily & University College London
* Contributed by Atin Das


13.01. Fast Cars Could Be Tuned By Evolution , NewScientist

Excerpts: (...) used genetic algorithms software (...) to breed the best tuning
configurations for racing cars.

Using the technique, they shaved a second off the best time achieved by an
expert. (...).

Unfortunately Bentley and Wloch did not have any real cars to hand, so instead
they applied their algorithm to virtual cars in the PC game Formula One

This lets players set 68 variables governing the car's performance, (...). They
say there is no reason why the same principle could not be applied trackside at
Formula 1 races.

* Fast Cars Could Be Tuned By Evolution, Will Knight  , 04/06/16, New Scientist


13.02. Computers Chase the Checkered Flag , NY Times


Photograph from Ferrari
Man and Machine - Rubens Barrichello of the Ferrari team, left, inside his
Formula One car at the Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal. A steering wheel, with
its screen and controls, is essentially a computer itself.

The data is transmitted to a computer center in the team's garage on the pit
lane, (...). It is simultaneously sent over the Internet to a larger data
center in Maranello, Italy, where more complex analysis is done (...).

But in Formula One racing, it is at the center of the sport, a test of the
ability to perfect the synergy between man and machine. And the result has been
to create a cyborg - a blend of man and machine in every sense of the word.

* Computers Chase the Checkered Flag, John Markoff
, 04/06/17, NY Times


14. Utah Rocks Help Explain Martian "Blueberries" , NewScientist

Excerpts: Rounded rocks in Utah may help explain the peculiar 'blueberries'
that NASA's Opportunity rover found embedded in Martian bedrock.

Geologists studying the marble-sized rocks in the deserts of Southern Utah, US,
say that these marbles must have formed in the same way as the ones on Mars.
And they may provide a unique insight into early conditions on the Red Planet.

The discovery of small spherical nuggets in Martian bedrock that look like
"blueberries in a muffin" puzzled planetary scientists when Opportunity
stumbled across them in February 2004.

* Utah Rocks Help Explain Martian "Blueberries", Justin Mullins  , 04/06/16,
New Scientist


14.01. Mars Rover Spies Pot Of Gold , NewScientist


The rover will use its robotic arm to study the nodule-covered "pot of gold"
(Image: NASA/JPL/Cornell)

Though similar in size, the spheres seem to be more varied in shape, ranging
from spherical to egg-shaped. And, as at Meridiani Planum, they seem to be
weathering out of layered rocks.

Here, some of those rocks look like "a loaf of bread that's under a state of
decay," (...).
One of these rocks is so varied and different from any seen before at Meridiani
Planum, that it prompted Soderblom to call it "the pot of gold, the prize at
the end of the rainbow".

* Mars Rover Spies Pot Of Gold, David L Chandler  , 04/06/16, New Scientist


14.02. NASA: Comets Richer Than Previously Thought , NPR ATC

Excerpts: At a NASA press briefing today, scientists said that comets are more
than just a loose collection of space rubble. They can be solid bodies with
craters and other geological features. The findings come from observations by
the Stardust spacecraft, which had a close encounter with the comet Wild 2 in
January. NPR's Richard Harris reports.

* NASA: Comets Richer Than Previously Thought , 04/06/17, NPR ATC


15. Florida Will Reinstate Voting for Ex-Felons , NPR ATC

Excerpts: Florida Gov. Jeb Bush announces that 20,000 ex-felons who have served
their time will see their voting rights restored. Bush also said 22,000
additional ex-felons could request to have their civil rights restored. But
civil liberties groups argue that hundreds of thousands of ex-felons should be
able to vote but are denied their civil rights. Hear NPR's Michele Norris and
NPR's Phillip Davis.

* Florida Will Reinstate Voting for Ex-Felons, 04/06/17, NPR ATC


15.01. Sweeping Stun Guns To Target Crowds , NewScientist

Excerpts: Weapons that can incapacitate crowds of people by sweeping a
lightning-like beam of electricity across them (...).

(...) projects an ionised gas, or plasma, towards the target, producing a
conducting channel. (...)
Instead of firing ionised gas, it will probably use a powerful laser to ionise
the air itself.(...)
This intense pulse - which is said not to harm the eyes - ionises the air,
producing long, thread-like filaments of glowing plasma that can be sustained
by repeating the pulse every few milliseconds.

* Sweeping Stun Guns To Target Crowds, David Hambling  , 04/06/16, New


16. Show Us the Proof , NY Times

Excerpts: When the commission studying the 9/11 terrorist attacks refuted the
Bush administration's claims of a connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama
bin Laden, we suggested that President Bush apologize for using these claims to
help win Americans' support for the invasion of Iraq. (...) But we were
surprised by the depth and ferocity of the administration's capacity for
denial. President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have not only brushed
aside the panel's findings and questioned its expertise, but they are also
trying to rewrite history.

* Show Us the Proof, NY Times


16.01. Marine Commander Admits Iraqi Unit Has Been Erratic , Washington Post

Excerpts: A senior U.S. military commander acknowledged Friday that he almost
abandoned efforts several times to have an Iraqi security force (...).
While attacks on the Marines have dropped off, masked insurgents have returned
to the streets of the city. Not only has the brigade failed to disarm the
militants, it has made little evident progress in capturing foreign guerrillas
known to have taken refuge in the city or in apprehending the killers of four
American security contractors whose bodies were burned and mutilated in March.

* Marine Commander Admits Iraqi Unit Has Been Erratic , Bradley Graham
  , 04/06/19, Washington Post Staff Writer


16.02. Mistakes Loom Large as Handover Nears , Washington Post

Excerpts: The ambitious, 15-month undertaking stumbled because of a series of
mistakes that began with an inadequate commitment of resources and was
aggravated by a misunderstanding of Iraqi politics, religion and society in
occupied Iraq, (...).

But American officials who once roamed the country to share their sense of
mission with Iraqis now face such mortal danger that they are largely confined
to compounds surrounded by concrete walls topped with razor wire. Iraqis who
come to meet them must show two forms of identification and be searched three

* Mistakes Loom Large as Handover Nears, Rajiv Chandrasekaran , 04/06/20,
Washington Post Foreign Service


17. Rumsfeld Acknowledges Prisoner Held in Secret , NPR ATC

Excerpts: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld acknowledges ordering that an Iraqi
prisoner be held in secret for more than seven months, violating the Geneva
Conventions. Rumsfeld says that he was acting at the request of George Tenet,
the director of central intelligence. Hear NPR's Eric Westervelt.

* Rumsfeld Acknowledges Prisoner Held in Secret , 04/06/17, NPR ATC


17.01. Torture Policy , Washington Post

Excerpts: Yet over the past month we have learned that much of what the guards
did -- from threatening prisoners with dogs, to stripping them naked, to
forcing them to wear women's underwear -- had been practiced at U.S. military
prisons elsewhere in the world. Moreover, most of these techniques were
sanctioned by senior U.S. officials, including Defense Secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld and the Iraqi theater command under Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez. Many
were imported to Iraq by another senior officer, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller.

* Torture Policy, 04/06/16, Washington Post


18. Report Faults U.S. Action on Nuclear Proliferation , Washington Post

Excerpts: But according to a critical report by the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, it has not helped secure vulnerable nuclear facilities,
criminalized the transfer of weapons technology or meted out punishments for
countries that renege on their commitment to remain nuclear-free.

"If you're really worried that terrorists are going to get nuclear materials
and build a bomb, then we have to be acting a lot more aggressively and
thinking more comprehensively to lock down the global nuclear complex,"(...)

* Report Faults U.S. Action on Nuclear Proliferation , Dafna Linzer
, 04/06/21, Washington Post Staff Writer


18.01. Conspiracy Threat To Anti-Nuke Treaty , NewScientist


Nuclear Arsenals

The US and UK governments will this week be accused of conspiring to break the
international agreement to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

The claim will be backed by detailed evidence of the large-scale collaboration
by the two countries to develop their nuclear arsenals, an activity that the
Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) is specifically designed to prevent.

The claim comes from the British American Security Information Council (BASIC),
a think tank based in London and Washington DC.

* Conspiracy Threat To Anti-Nuke Treaty, Rob Edwards  , 04/06/17, New Scientist


18.02. Nuclear Politics and Proliferation , NPR TOTN

Excerpts: The United Nations rebukes Iran for failing to make its nuclear
program transparent, but the United States and Russia maintain thousands of
nuclear warheads. Some activists say those stockpiles should cause more concern
than the efforts of Iran and other countries. Join NPR's Neal Conan and his
guests for an update on the global nuclear threat.

* Nuclear Politics and Proliferation, Mike Shuster , George Perkovich , Helen
Caldicott , Dan Goure , 04/06/21, NPR TOTN


19. Complex Challenges: Global Terrorist Networks


19.01. Chaotic Civilian, Military Reaction to Attacks Recounted , NPR ATC

Excerpts: Confusion and miscommunication reigned on the morning of Sept. 11,
2001, as civilian and military air controllers tried to cope with four
airliners hijacked by terrorists. Today, the memories were all too vivid as the
bipartisan commission investigating those terror attacks replayed the events
minute by minute, with chilling conclusions. Hear NPR's Larry Abramson.

* Chaotic Civilian, Military Reaction to Attacks Recounted, 04/06/17, NPR ATC


19.02. US Must Invest In Science Of Dot-Connecting , Christian Science Monitor

Excerpts: The terrorists attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, demonstrated the urgent
need for the US government to use insights from "complexity science" to better
understand our interconnected world.

"Complexity thinking" is an essential 21st-century skill. It involves
recognizing changes in the broadest context; taking a big-picture approach to
intelligence-gathering and analysis; and developing deeper understanding of
complex human systems and the dynamics influencing regional politics and

By all rational assessments, 9/11 was a systems failure. While individuals and
agencies within our intelligence and law-enforcement organizations may have
performed exceptionally, there was a significant failure as a whole (...).

* US Must Invest In Science Of Dot-Connecting, T. Irene Sanders  , 04/06/17,
Christian Science Monitor


19.03. Capitol Plane Scare Blamed On Lack of Communication , Washington Post

Excerpts: Officials from the Defense and Homeland Security departments ordered
two F-15 fighter jets and a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter to intercept Fletcher's
aircraft at 4:25 p.m. without knowing that FAA controllers had been in radio
contact with the plane for at least 40 minutes and had determined it was not
hostile, according to interviews and a preliminary report by the Transportation
Security Administration that was obtained by The Washington Post.

* Capitol Plane Scare Blamed On Lack of Communication , Spencer S. Hsu  , John
  , 04/06/19, Washington Post Staff Writers


19.04. U.S. Said to Overstate Value of Guant amo Detainees , NY Times

Excerpts: Some officials are now saying that most of the detainees at
Guant amo Bay, Cuba, are not dangerous or in possession of vital intelligence
about Al Qaeda.

* U.S. Said to Overstate Value of Guant amo Detainees, Tim Golden , Don Van
Natta Jr.
, NY Times


19.05. No Saudi Payment to Qaeda Is Found , NY Times

Excerpts: The staff of the Sept. 11 commission has put forward what amounts to
a major revision of a widely held perception in Washington that top Saudi
officials gave money to Al Qaeda.

The new account, (...), asserts flatly that there is "no evidence" that the
Saudi government or senior Saudi officials financed the group, which is led by
Osama bin Laden.
In 2002, a joint Congressional committee was reported to have concluded the
opposite in a classified study that was then the most extensive on the issue.

* No Saudi Payment to Qaeda Is Found, Douglas Jehl , NY Times


20. Links & Snippets


20.01. Other Publications

- Three Logistic Models for the Two-Species Interactions: Symbiosis,
Predator-Prey and Competition, R. Lopez-Ruiz , D. Fournier-Prunaret ,
2004/06/12, arXiv, DOI: nlin.AO/0406020
- On Network Form and Function, Andrea Rinaldo , J.R.Jayanth R. Banavar ,
Vittoria Colizza , Amos Maritan , 2004-06-09, Physica A, Article in Press,
Uncorrected Proof, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2004.05.016
- Interaction Between The Amygdala And The Medial Temporal Lobe Memory System
Predicts Better Memory For Emotional Events, F. Dolcos  , K. S. LaBar  , R.
Cabeza , 2004/06/01, online 2004/06/09, Neuron, DOI:
- What Is Genetic Quality?, J. Hunt john.hunt@unsw.edu.au , L. F. Bussi e  ,
M. D. Jennions  , R. Brooks , Jun. 2004, online 2004/04/14, Trends in Ecology &
Evolution, DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2004.03.035
- Mental State Discourse, Theory Of Mind, And The Internalization Of Self-Other
Understanding, D. K. Symons doug.symons@acadiau.ca , Jun. 2004, online
2004/04/24, Developmental Review, DOI: 10.1016/j.dr.2004.03.001
- The Neural Areas That Control The Retrieval And Selection Of Semantics, U.
Noppeney u.noppeney@fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk , J. Phillips  , C. Price , 42:9, 2004,
online 2004/03/18, Neuropsychologia, DOI:
- Cortical Activations During Judgments About The Self And An Other Person, C.
A. Seger seger@lamar.colostate.edu , M. Stone  , J. P. Keenan , 42:9, 2004,
online 2004/04/08, Neuropsychologia, DOI:
- A Comparison Of Perceptions Of Biological Value With Scientific Assessment Of
Biological Importance, G. Brown greg.brown@unisa.edu.au , C. Smith
corinne_smith@tnc.org , L. Alessa lil@uaa.alaska.edu , Apr. 2004, online
2004/05/07, Applied Geography, DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2004.03.006
- Resemblance To Self Increases The Appeal Of Child Faces To Both Men And
Women, L. M. DeBruine debruilm@mcmaster.ca , May 2004, online 2004/05/26,
Evolution and Human Behavior, DOI: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2004.03.003
- Did Comets Flood Earth's Oceans?, G. D. Marchi guido.de.marchi@esa.int ,
2004/06/16, Alphagalileo
- Virtual Reality Lends Helping Hand To Stroke Patients, D. Young
pressoffice@ulster.ac.uk , 2004/06/16, Alphagalileo
- The High Price Of Fatigue, G. Bradley press@biomedcentral.com , 2004/06/18,
Alphagalileo & BioMed Central
- Emory Researchers Study The Effects Of Zen Meditation On The Brain,
2004/06/17, ScienceDaily & Emory University Health Sciences Center
- Synapse Size And Shape Key In Storing Long-term Memories, 2004/06/14,
ScienceDaily & Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
- A Mathematical Model For Chagas Disease With Infection-Age-Dependent
Infectivity, H Inab inaba@ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp , H. Sekine , Jul. 2004, online
2004/04/09, Mathematical Biosciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.mbs.2004.02.004
- Synchronous Cultures From The Baby Machine. A Model For Animal Cells, N. B.
Grover norman@md.huji.ac.il , K. L. Eward  , C. E. Helmstetter , Jul. 2004,
online 2004/05/14, Mathematical Biosciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.mbs.2004.02.005
- The Shape Of Things To Come: Using Models With Physiological Structure To
Predict Mortality Trajectories, M. M. Mangel msmangel@ams.ucsc.edu , M. B.
Bonsall , Jun. 2004, online 2004/05/08, Theoretical Population Biology, DOI:
- Emergence Of Power Laws From Partitional Dynamics, A. G.-Olivares
agarcia@icm.csic.es , P. C. Mariju  , Apr.-Jun. 2004, online 2004/05/10,
Biosystems, DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2004.02.005
- Striatal Plasticity And Motor Learning-Importance Of Circadian, Rhythms,
Sleep Stages And Dreaming... , R. Horowski , H. Benes , K. Fuxe  ,
ScienceDirect, pp 315-317
- Turning the Tables on E-Mail Swindlers, Seth Schiesel
- Commentary: Reality TV Pushing Out Writers , 04/06/17, NPR ATC
- Online Extra: Q&A With MIT's Nicholas Negroponte, 04/06/21, BesinessWeek, The
cyber-soothsaying author of Being Digital looks at what's next: "Peer-to-peer
is key"
- John von Neumann: MANIAC's Father , 04/04/08, BesinessWeek, Inventing the
computer that helped the U.S. win the Cold War was only one of this
mathematician's many accomplishments
- David Sarnoff: "The General" of Mass Media , 04/04/26, BesinessWeek, David
Sarnoff created radio and TV networks that connected people across the country
- Alan Turing: Thinking Up Computers , 04/05/10, BesinessWeek, The Cambridge
University mathematician laid the foundation for the invention of software
- Hewlett & Packard: Architects of the Info Age , 04/03/29, BesinessWeek, The
founding fathers of Silicon Valley steered tech away from hierarchy
- Leaders of 9/11 Panel Ask Cheney for Reports, Philip Shenon , Richard W.
Stevenson  , 04/06/19, NYTimes
- Glaxo Plans Public Listing of Drug Trials on Web Site, Barry Meier ,
04/06/19, NYTimes, The decision comes in the wake of complaints about
GlaxoSmithKline selectively disclosing results from pediatric trials of its
antidepressant drug Paxil.
- Potent Tumor Suppressor Found, Science Now, 04/06/18
- A Good Nose for Ovulation, 04/06/18, Science Now
- Rumsfeld Authorized Secret Detention of Prisoner , Josh White , 04/06/18,
Washington Post
- U.S. Is Quietly Spending $2.5 Billion From Iraqi Oil Revenues to Pay for
Iraqi Projects, Steven R. Weisman , Faced with delays on the disbursement of
funds to rebuild Iraq, U.S. authorities have been financing reconstruction
projects with Iraqi oil revenues.
- A Medical Journal Quandary: How to Report on Drug Trials, Barry Meier ,
04/06/21, NYTimes, A recent drug trial involving an antidepressant's effect on
children and teenagers reveals the problems involved when corporations sponsor
drug trials.
- Old Search Engine, the Library, Tries to Fit Into a Google World, Katie
Hafner , 04/06/21, NYTimes, Librarians have increasingly seen people use online
search sites not to supplement research libraries but to replace them.
- The Internet Ad You Are About to See Has Already Read Your E-Mail, Saul
Hansell , 04/06/21, NYTimes, Google's new sponsored e-mail service turns out to
have some interesting self-imposed constraints.
- Sea Slug Gives Clues to How Memory Works , 04/06/21, NPR ME
- Dogs Can Predict Epileptic Seizures, Emily Singer , 04/06/21, New Scientist
- Superbugs Resist "Last Resort" Antibiotics, Shaoni Bhattacharya , 04/06/18,
New Scientist
- Virus Robs Addicts Of Their High, Laura Nelson
, 04/06/22, Transgenic carrier inactivates cocaine in rat brains.
- Bitterness Illuminates Plant Lore, Michael Hopkin
, 04/06/18
- Clothes Launder Own Fabric, Mark Peplow , Catalytic cotton chows down on
- Octopuses Have A Preferred Arm, Michael Hopkin , 04/06/15, Eight-limbed
creatures have a favourite.
- Squirrels Use Infrared Against Snakes, Michael Hopkin , Heated tail display
warns off would-be predators.
- Teleporting Matter's Traits: Beaming information quantum-style, Peter Weiss
, 04/06/19, Science News
- Local-Feature Assembling In Visual Pattern Recognition And Generalization In
Honeybees, Silke Stach , Julie Benard , Martin Giurfa , 04/06/17, Nature 429,
758 - 761, DOI: 10.1038/nature02594
- Sixth Sense, 04/06/19, Science News, A budding technology called electric
field imaging may soon enable devices such as appliances, toys, and computers
to detect the presence of people and respond to their motions.
- Narcolepsy Science Reawakens, 04/06/19, Science News, Recent advances in
understanding the biological underpinnings of narcolepsy have created a new
diagnostic tool and point toward possible future therapies.
- The Hedgehog Response Network: Sensors, Switches, and Routers, Lawrence Lum
, Philip A. Beachy
, 04/06/18, Science : 1755-1759
- Research On Aging:Gene Links Calorie Deprivation and Long Life in Rodents,
Jennifer Couzin

, 04/06/18, Science : 1731.
- Evolutionary Biology:Changing a Fish's Bony Armor in the Wink of a Gene,
Elizabeth Pennisi
, 04/06/18, Science : 1736


20.02. Webcast Announcements

ECC8 Experimental Chaos Conference, Florence, Italy,

Evolutionary Epistemology, Language, and Culture, Brussels, Belgium,

International Conference on Complex Systems 2004, Boston, 04/05/16-21

Life, a Nobel Story, Brussels, Belgium, 04/04/28

Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics Days, Brussels, Belgium,

Science Education Forum for Chinese Language Culture, , Panel Discussion,
Taipei, Taiwan, 04/05/01

Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology, ,
Lausanne,Switzerland, 04/01/29-30

Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos: Lab Demonstrations, Strogatz, Steven H.,
Internet-First University Press, 1994

World Economic Forum 2004, Davos, Switzerland   Riding the Next Democratic
Wave, Al-Thani, Khan, Vike-Freiberga, Wade, Soros, Zakaria, World Economic
Forum, 04/01/25
  The Future of Global Interdependence, Kharrazi, Held, Owens, Shourie, Annan,
Martin, Schwab, World Economic Forum, 04/01/25  Why Victory Against Terrorism
Demands Shared Values

  CODIS 2004, International Conference On Communications, Devices And
Intelligent Systems, 2004 Calcutta, India, 04/01/09-10 EVOLVABILITY &
INTERACTION: Evolutionary Substrates of Communication, Signaling, and
Perception in the Dynamics of Social Complexity, London, UK, 03/10/08-10 The
Semantic Web and Language Technology - Its Po tential and Practicalities,
Bucharest, Romania, 03/07/28-08/08 ECAL 2003, 7th European Conference on
Artificial Life, Dortmund, Germany, 03/09/14-17 New Santa Fe Institute
President About His Vision for SFI's Future Role, (Video, Santa Fe, NM,
03/06/04) SPIE's 1st Intl Symp on Fluctuations and Noise, Santa Fe, NM,
2003/06/01-04 NAS Sackler Colloquium on Mapping Knowledge Domains, Video/Audio
Report, 03/05/11 13th Ann Intl Conf, Soc f Chaos Theory in Psych & Life
Sciences, Boston, MA, USA, 2003/08/08-10 CERN Webcast Service, Streamed videos
of Archived Lectures and Live Events Dean LeBaron's Archive of Daily Video
Commentary, Ongoing Since February 1998 Edge Videos


20.03. Conference & Call for Papers Announcements

  An Intl Tribute to Francisco Varela, Paris,04/06/18-20

Intl Conf on Linking Systems Thinking, Innovation,Quality, Entrepreneurship and
Environment (STIQE),
MARIBOR, SLOVENIA, 04/06/24-26

Biannual Meeting Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Whistler, BC,

NAACSOS 2004, North American Association for Computational Social and
Organizational Science, Pittsburgh PA, 04/06/27-29

Statphys - Kolkata V An International Conference on Complex Networks:
Structure, Function and Processes , Kolkata, India, 04/06/27-30

ICAD 2004 10th International Conference on Auditory Display, Sydney, Australia,

3rd Intl School Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics Discrete Dynamical Systems and
Applications , Urbino (Italy), 04/07/07-09

  `Perspectives on Nonlinear Dynamics 2004 (PNLD-2004), Chen!
nai, India, 04/07/12-15

  From Animals To Animats
  8, 8th Intl Conf On The Simulation Of Adaptive Behavior
  (SAB'04), Los Angeles, USA, 04/07/13-17

  14th Annual International Conference The Society for Chaos Theory in
Psychology & Life Sciences , Milwaukee, WI, USA, 04/07/15-18

Facing Complexity, Wellington, NZ, 04/07/15-17

  Interdisciplinary Colloquium, Security Bytes, Security/Life/Terror
, Lancaster, 04/07/17-19

  Gordon Research Conference on "Oscillations & Dynamic Instabilities In
Chemical Systems", Lewiston, ME, 04/07/18-23

Intl Conf Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems Conference (AAMAS 2004), New
York City, 04/07/19-23

Intl Workshop on: Trust in Agent Societies , New York City, 04/07/19-20

  World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and
  Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 04/07/18-21

The 4 th International Workshop on Meta-Synthesis and Complex Systems
(MCS'2004) , Beijing, 04/07/22-23

  Summer Simulation MultiConference (SummerSim'04), San Jose
  Hyatt, San Jose, California, 04/07/25-29

  SME 2004 Symposium on Modeling
  and Control of Economic Systems , University in Redlands, CA, 04/07/28-31

  International Mathematica Symposium (IMS 2004), Banff,
  Canada, 04/08/02-06

  intl seminar on Collective Intelligence
, U of Ottawa, Canada, 04/08/08-10

Real-Life Complex Adaptive Systems: Modelling And Control, session in Intl Conf
on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT'04, Austin, Texas,

   Fractals and Natural Hazards at
32nd Intl Geological Congress (IGC), Florence, Italy, 04/08/20-28

Intl Conf on Science of Complex Networks: from Biology
to the Internet and WWW (CNET2004), Aveiro
(Portugal), 04/08/29-09/02

ICCC 2004, IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, ,
Vienna, Austria, 04/08/30-09/01

  2004, 4th International Workshop on Ant Colony
  Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, Brussels, Belgium,

An Inquiry into Systems, Emergence, Levels of Reality,
  and Forms of Causality, Trento, Italy,

  Intl Conf on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems
  (ALIFE9), Boston, Massachusetts, 04/09/12-15

  Neuroeconomics 2004, Charleston, SC, 04/09/16-19

  TNew Economic Windows 2004: Complexity Hints for Economic Policy, Salerno,
Italy, 04/09/16-18

Verhulst 200 on Chaos, Brussels, BELGIUM, 04/09/16-18

  8th Intl Conf on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature
  (PPSN VIII), Birmingham, UK, 04/09/18-22

  Nonlinear Waves in Fluids: Recent Advances and Modern Applications, Udine,
Italy, 04/09/18-22

  XVII Brazilian
  Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Sao Luis, Maranhao -
  Brazil, 04/09/22-24

  3rd Natll Conf on Systems Science ,
Trento (Italy), 04/10/07-09

   TEDMED Conference ,
Charleston SC, 04/10/12-15

  Intl Workshop On Bifurcations In Nonsmooth And Hybrid Dynamical Systems  ,
Milano (Italy), 04/10/21-22

  Technology Conference, Champaign, Illinois,

  6th Intl Conf on Electronic Commerce
ICEC'2004: Towards A New Services Landscape,  Delft, The Netherlands,

   Complexity and Philosophy Workshop - 2-Day Conference ,  Rio de Janeiro,

ICDM '04: The Fourth IEEE Intl Conf on Data Mining, Brighton, UK, 04/11/01-04

Denaturing Darwin: International Conference on Evolution and Organization
, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 04/11/12-14

  The 7th Asia-Pacific Complex Systems Conference,  Queensland, Australia,

  17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,  Queensland,
Australia, 04/12/06-10

  Kondratieff Waves, Warfare And World Security, NATO Advanced Research
, Covilh? Portugal, 05/02/14-17

  Powders & Grains 2005, Stuttgart, Germany, 05/06/18-22

  Workshop on Complexity and Policy Analysis, Cork, Ireland, 05/06/22-24

18th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF 2005), Salamanca,
Spain, 05/09/19-23

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