¸´ÔÓÐÔÎÄÕª NO£º2004.09
Complexity Digest 2004.09 Archive: http://www.comdig.org, European Mirror: http://www.comdig.de Asian Mirror: http://www.phil.pku.edu.cn/resguide/comdig/ (Chinese GB-Code) "I think the next century will be the century of complexity." Stephen Hawking _________________________________________________________________ Content: 01. Science, Complexity, and the Ethics of Global Governance, Conference Videos 02. The Evolution of the Golden Rule, Science 02.01. How Can We Think the Complex?, arXiv 03. On the Emergence of Complex Systems on the Basis of the Coordination of Complex Behavior of Their Elements, SFI Working Papers 04. What Really Causes Large Price Changes?, SFI Working Papers 05. Scaling Laws and Urban Systems, SFI Working Papers 06. Genetically Induced Communication Network Fault Tolerance, Complexity 06.01. Complexity Estimates For Detection Of Viruses In Biologically Inspired Security Systems, Complexity 07. Testing Transnational Networked Cooperation, Alphagalileo 07.01. Spontaneous Emergence of Complex Optimal Networks through Evolutionary Adaptation, arXiv 07.02. Business Intelligence From Web Usage Mining, J. Info. & Knowledge Manag. 08. Computation's New Leaf, Science News 09. Catching Waves: Ocean-Surface Changes May Mark Tsunamis, Science News 10. Decoherence Of Matter Waves By Thermal Emission Of Radiation, Nature 11. Particle Physics: Two Is The Magic Number, Nature 11.01. Superconductivity: Shine A Light, Nature 12. Origins Of Life: Born In A Watery Commune, Nature 12.01. Transcription: Origins Of Licensing Control, Nature 12.02. Evidence Of A "Lost World": Antarctica Yields Two Unknown Dinosaur Species, ScienceDaily 13. Adolescent Brains Show Reduced Reward Anticipation, ScienceDaily 13.01. New Findings On Memory Could Enhance Learning, ScienceDaily 14. Use Of Information Technology And Music Learning In The Search For Quality Education, British J. Edu. Tech. 15. Smoking Out the Rain, Science Now 15.01. Sing a Song to Save the Species, Science Now 15.02. Uses And Abuses Of Fractal Methodology In Ecology, Ecol. Lett. 15.03. Coexistence Of Cryptic Species, Ecol. Lett. 16. Filling Gaps in Genome Organization, Science 17. Neuroscience: Immigration Denied, Nature 17.01. Imaging Studies Show How Brain Thinks About Pain, Science 18. The Where and When of Intention, Science 18.01. Attention to Intention, Science 18.02. Synthetic Thought, Nature 19. Complex Challenges: Global Terrorist Networks 19.01. On The Pedagogy Of 'Small Wars', Int. Affairs 20. Links & Snippets 20.01. Other Publications 20.02. Webcast Announcements 20.03. Conference & Call for Papers Announcements 20.03.01. Strategic Thinking in a Complex World, Smithsonian Resident Associates Program _________________________________________________________________ 01. Science, Complexity, and the Ethics of Global Governance , Conference Videos Excerpts: The Ethos Of ETHOS: Participating In The Emergence Of A Global Political Culture, Linda Dennard, Video Summary A Public Sphere For A Global Society, Vessela Misheva, Video Summary The Resurrection Of Spirit: Reanimating The Social & Political World, David Peat, Video Summary Thinking About The Law As A Complex Adaptive System, JB Ruhl, Video Summary Instabilities In Democratic Systems: Complex Self- Organization In Iraq And The U.S. , Gottfried Mayer-Kress, Presentation Slides The Great Bifurcation: Information And Emerging Society, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Presentation Slides (quicktime format) Self-Organizing Of The Political System In A Globalizing World, Christian Fuchs, Video Summary Self-Control And Social Parameters: Personalizing Change Through Social Learning, Fred Abraham:, Video Summary Viewing Note: For best results download videos and use free quicktime player . * Science, Complexity, and the Ethics of Global Governance, 04/02/26-28, Cork, Ireland _________________________________________________________________ 02. The Evolution of the Golden Rule , Science Excerpts: [The article describes results from altruistic punishment studies, Ed.] "In that culture, social status depends on how much you give," explains Herbert Gintis, an economist at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico and one of the study coordinators. Those who made excessive offers were perceived as putting on airs, he says, and were rejected. What all the groups have in common, says Gintis, is strong reciprocity. "What is considered to be fair varies from society to society, but the fact that people punish those who violate norms does not vary." * The Evolution of the Golden Rule, Gretchen Vogel , Science Feb 20 2004: 1128-1131 _________________________________________________________________ 02.01. How Can We Think the Complex? , arXiv Abstract: In this chapter we want to provide philosophical tools for understanding and reasoning about complex systems. Classical thinking, which is taught at most schools and universities, has several problems for coping with complexity. We review classical thinking and its drawbacks when dealing with complexity, for then presenting ways of thinking which allow the better understanding of complex systems. Examples illustrate the ideas presented. This chapter does not deal with specific tools and techniques for managing complex systems, but we try to bring forth ideas that facilitate the thinking and speaking about complex systems. * How Can We Think the Complex?, Carlos Gershenson , Francis Heylighen , 2004-02-16, DOI: nlin.AO/0402023, arXiv * Contributed by Carlos Gershenson _________________________________________________________________ 03. On the Emergence of Complex Systems on the Basis of the Coordination of Complex Behavior of Their Elements , SFI Working Papers Abstract: We argue that the coordination of the activities of individual complex agents enables a system to develop and sustain complexity at a higher level. We exemplify relevant mechanisms through computer simulations of a toy system, a coupled map lattice with transmission delays. The coordination here is achieved through the synchronization of the chaotic operations of the individual elements, and on the basis of this, regular behavior at a longer temporal scale emerges that is inaccessible to the uncoupled individual dynamics. * On the Emergence of Complex Systems on the Basis of the Coordination of Complex Behavior of Their Elements, Fatihcan Atay , Juergen Jost , DOI: SFI-WP 04-02-005, SFI Working Papers * Contributed by Carlos Gershenson _________________________________________________________________ 04. What Really Causes Large Price Changes? , SFI Working Papers Abstract: We study the cause of large fluctuations in prices in the London Stock Exchange. This is done at the microscopic level of individual events, where an event is the placement or cancellation of an order to buy or sell. We show that price fluctuations caused by individual market orders are essentially independent of the volume of orders. Instead, large price fluctuations are driven by liquidity fluctuations, variations in the market ability to absorb new orders. Even for the most liquid stocks there can be substantial gaps in the order book, corresponding to a block of adjacent price levels containing no quotes. When such a gap exists next to the best price, a new order can remove the best quote, triggering a large midpoint price change. Thus, the distribution of large price changes merely reflects the distribution of gaps in the limit order book. This is a finite size effect, caused by the granularity of order flow: In a market where participants placed many small orders uniformly across prices, such large price fluctuations would not happen. We show that this explains price fluctuations on longer time scales. In addition, we present results suggesting that the risk profile varies from stock to stock, and is not universal: lightly traded stocks tend to have more extreme risks. * What Really Causes Large Price Changes?, J. Doyne Farmer , Laszlo Gillemot , Fabrizio Lillo , Szabolcs Mike , Anindya Sen , DOI: SFI-WP 04-02-006, SFI Working Papers * Contributed by Carlos Gershenson _________________________________________________________________ 05. Scaling Laws and Urban Systems , SFI Working Papers Abstract: This paper is a review of a few problems associated with the observation of scaling laws in urban systems. Two levels in the spatial organization have to be formalized, cities as systems and systems of cities. Both encounter problems of measurement, especially in the identification and delimitation of towns and cities. The problem of city sizes and its relation to urbanization processes have been conceptualized in connection with Pareto laws, central place theory, space-time transformations, and fractal geometry. All approaches raise the question of how the autonomy that characterizes the evolution of urban systems at a macro level can be realized, either by random growth, or optimization processes, or controlled by systems of social and spatial interactions at a micro-level. * Scaling Laws and Urban Systems, Denise Pumain , DOI: SFI-WP 04-02-002, SFI Working Papers * Contributed by Carlos Gershenson _________________________________________________________________ 06. Genetically Induced Communication Network Fault Tolerance , Complexity Abstract: This article presents the architecture and initial feasibility results of a proto-type communication network that utilizes genetic programming to evolve services and protocols as part of network operation. The network evolves responses to environmental conditions in a manner that could not be pre-programmed within legacy network nodes a priori. A priori in this case means before network operation has begun. Genetic material is exchanged, loaded, and run dynamically within an active network. Complexity and algorithmic information theory play a key role in understanding and guiding code evolution within the network. * Genetically Induced Communication Network Fault Tolerance, S. F. Bush bushsf@research.ge.com , online 2004/02/24, DOI: 10.1002/cplx.20002, Complexity * Contributed by Atin Das _________________________________________________________________ 06.01. Complexity Estimates For Detection Of Viruses In Biologically Inspired Security Systems , Complexity Abstract: This article presents results in two mutually complementary areas: distributed immunological information assurance and a new signature-matching technique based on Kolmogorov Complexity. This article introduces a distributed model for security based on biological paradigms of epidemiology and immunology. In this model each node in the network has an immune system that identifies and destroys pathogens in the incoming network traffic as well as files resident on the node. Each node compiles a list of pathogens that are perceived as threats by using information provided from all the nodes in the network. This work (...) examines the efficiency of different detection schemes. * Kolmogorov Complexity Estimates For Detection Of Viruses In Biologically Inspired Security Systems: A Comparison With Traditional Approaches, S. Goel goel@albany.edu , S. F. Bush , online 2004/02/24, DOI: 10.1002/cplx.20004, Complexity * Contributed by Atin Das _________________________________________________________________ 07. Testing Transnational Networked Cooperation , Alphagalileo Excerpts: Using next generation Internet technologies, MOICANE has created and tested (...) that offers a virtual lab environment of 'networked collaboratories', where research institutes, universities, manufacturers and service providers can collaborate, and remotely share applications, knowledge, infrastructure and devices. "worked very well. The scope of the MOICANE was to demonstrate the viability of the architecture to provide Quality of Service (QoS). With all the different access technologies we were investigating a solution that is applicable to all the cases. (...) all the MOICANE e-learning and virtual laboratory services and applications including chat, whiteboard, file transfer, video on demand and videoconference applications. * Testing Transnational Networked Cooperation, T. Morris tmorris@gopa-cartermill.com , 2004/02/24, Alphagalileo * Contributed by Atin Das _________________________________________________________________ 07.01. Spontaneous Emergence of Complex Optimal Networks through Evolutionary Adaptation , arXiv Abstract: An important feature of many complex systems, both natural and artificial, is the structure and organization of their interaction networks with interesting properties. Here we present a theory of self-organization by evolutionary adaptation in which we show how the structure and organization of a network is related to the survival, or in general the performance, objectives of the system. We propose that a complex system optimizes its network structure in order to maximize its overall survival fitness which is composed of short-term and long-term survival components. These in turn depend on three critical measures of the network, namely, efficiency, robustness and cost, and the environmental selection pressure. Using a graph theoretical case study, we show that when efficiency is paramount the "Star" topology emerges and when robustness is important the "Circle" topology is found. When efficiency and robustness requirements are both important to varying degrees, other classes of networks such as the "Hub" emerge. Our assumptions and results are consistent with observations across a wide variety of applications. * Spontaneous Emergence of Complex Optimal Networks through Evolutionary Adaptation, Venkat Venkatasubramanian , Santhoji Katare , Priyan R. Patkar , Fangping Mu , 2004-02-24, DOI: nlin.AO/0402046, arXiv * Contributed by Carlos Gershenson _________________________________________________________________ 07.02. Business Intelligence From Web Usage Mining , J. Info. & Knowledge Manag. Abstract: The rapid e-commerce growth has made both business community and customers face a new situation. Web usage mining attempts to discover useful knowledge from the secondary data obtained from the interactions of the users with the Web. Web usage mining has become very critical for effective Web site management, creating adaptive Web sites, (...). This paper presents the important concepts of Web usage mining and its various practical applications. Further a novel approach called "intelligent-miner" (i-Miner) is presented. i-Miner could optimize the concurrent architecture of a fuzzy clustering algorithm and a fuzzy inference system to analyze the Web site visitor trends. * Business Intelligence From Web Usage Mining, A. Abraham ajith.abraham@ieee.org , Dec. 2003, DOI: 10.1142/S0219649203000565, Journal of Information & Knowledge Management * Contributed by Pritha Das _________________________________________________________________ 08. Computation's New Leaf , Science News Excerpts: According to a new study, however, complex computations may also be underway in another bit of office equipment: the potted plant that brightens up the windowsill. Plants may perform what scientists call distributed emergent computation. Unlike traditional computation, in which a central processing unit carries out programs, distributed emergent computation lacks a central controller. Instead, large numbers of simple units interact with each other to achieve complex, large-scale computations. Plants may use computation to figure out how wide to open pores in their leaves,(...) * Computation's New Leaf, Erica Klarreich , 04/02/21, Science News, Also available in Audible _________________________________________________________________ 09. Catching Waves: Ocean-Surface Changes May Mark Tsunamis , Science News Excerpts: A new theoretical model that describes a tsunami's interaction with winds may explain enigmatic observations associated with some of the high-speed ocean waves and could lead to a technique for spotting approaching tsunamis long before they hit shore. On several occasions, people have observed dark, kilometer-wide bands on the ocean surface as tsunamis approached or passed by phenomenon that researchers call a tsunami shadow.(...) The waves travel more than 700 kilometers per hour where the ocean is 4 km deep or deeper, * Catching Waves: Ocean-Surface Changes May Mark Tsunamis, Sid Perkins , 04/02/21, Science News, Also available in Audible _________________________________________________________________ 10. Decoherence Of Matter Waves By Thermal Emission Of Radiation , Nature Excerpts: Emergent quantum technologies have led to increasing interest in decoherence he processes that limit the appearance of quantum effects and turn them into classical phenomena. One important cause of decoherence is the interaction of a quantum system with its environment, which 'entangles' the two and distributes the quantum coherence over so many degrees of freedom as to render it unobservable. Decoherence theory has been complemented by experiments using matter waves coupled to external photons or molecules, and by investigations using coherent photon states, trapped ions and electron interferometers. * Decoherence Of Matter Waves By Thermal Emission Of Radiation, Lucia Hackerm ler , Klaus Hornberger , Bj n Brezger , Anton Zeilinger , Markus Arndt markus.arndt@univie.ac.at , 04/02/19, DOI: 10.1038/nature02276, Nature 427, 711 - 714 _________________________________________________________________ 11. Particle Physics: Two Is The Magic Number , Nature Excerpts: A particle's properties can be modified by other quantum effects ?such as the emission and absorption of particles on short timescales, allowed by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (...). The magnetic moment of the electron or muon is slightly modified in this way (...). Any significant difference between the calculated value of the anomalous magnetic moment of either the electron or muon and the corresponding measured value is a clear indication that there must be something else, perhaps some as yet unknown particles, that should be included in the calculation. * Particle Physics: Two Is The Magic Number, Ken Peach k.j.peach@rl.ac.uk , 04/02.19, DOI: 10.1038/427688a, Nature 427, 688 - 689 _________________________________________________________________ 11.01. Superconductivity: Shine A Light , Nature Excerpts: Copper oxides superconduct at unusually high temperatures. New evidence from optical studies highlights the nature of the many-body interactions involved. * Superconductivity: Shine A Light, Michael Norman norman@anl.gov , 04/02/19, DOI: 10.1038/427692a, Nature 427, 692 _________________________________________________________________ 12. Origins Of Life: Born In A Watery Commune , Nature Excerpts: If you go back far enough, humans, frogs, bacteria and slime moulds share a common ancestor. But scientists can't agree what it was like, or even whether it was a single creature. John Whitfield reviews the evidence. * Origins Of Life: Born In A Watery Commune, John Whitfield , 04/02/19, DOI: 10.1038/427674a, Nature 427, 674 - 676 _________________________________________________________________ 12.01. Transcription: Origins Of Licensing Control , Nature Excerpts: Organ development requires precise regulation of both the total number and the different types of cells. Much is known about how each process is controlled, but new light has been shed on how the two are linked. * Transcription: Origins Of Licensing Control, Xue Li , Michael G. Rosenfeld , 04/02/19, DOI: 10.1038/427687a, Nature427, 687 - 688 _________________________________________________________________ 12.02. Evidence Of A "Lost World": Antarctica Yields Two Unknown Dinosaur Species , ScienceDaily Excerpts: (...) found what they believe are the fossilized remains of two species of dinosaurs previously unknown to science. One of the two finds, which were made less than a week apart, is an early carnivore that would have lived many millions of years after the other, a plant-eating beast, roamed the Earth. One was found at the sea bottom, the other on a mountaintop. (...) research team believe they have found the fossilized bones of an entirely new species of carnivorous dinosaur related to the enormous meat-eating tyrannosaurs and the equally voracious, but smaller and swifter, velociraptors that terrified movie-goers in the film "Jurassic Park." * Evidence Of A "Lost World": Antarctica Yields Two Unknown Dinosaur Species, 2004/02/27, ScienceDaily & National Science Foundation * Contributed by Atin Das _________________________________________________________________ 13. Adolescent Brains Show Reduced Reward Anticipation , ScienceDaily Excerpts: Adolescents show less activity than adults in brain regions that motivate behavior to obtain rewards, according to results from the first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study to examine real-time adolescent response to incentives. The study also shows that adolescents and adults exhibit similar brain responses to having obtained rewards. (...) scanned the brains of twelve adolescents aged 12 to 17 years and twelve young adults aged 22 to 28 years. While being scanned, the subjects participated in a game-like scenario risking monetary gain or loss. In adolescents, however, the researchers found lower activation of the right ventral striatum (...). * Adolescent Brains Show Reduced Reward Anticipation, 2004/02/25, ScienceDaily & NIH/National Institute On Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism * Contributed by Atin Das _________________________________________________________________ 13.01. New Findings On Memory Could Enhance Learning , ScienceDaily Excerpts: New research in monkeys may provide a clue about how the brain manages vast amounts of information and remembers what it needs. Researchers (...) identified brain cells that streamline and simplify sensory information - markedly reducing the brain's workload. "When you need to remember people you've just met at a meeting, the brain probably doesn't memorize each person's facial features to help you identify them later. Instead, it records vital information, such as their hairstyle, height, or age, all classifications that we are familiar with from meeting people in general. Our research suggests how the brain might do this, (...)." * New Findings On Memory Could Enhance Learning, 2004/02/27, ScienceDaily & Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center * Contributed by Atin Das _________________________________________________________________ 14. Use Of Information Technology And Music Learning In The Search For Quality Education , British J. Edu. Tech. Abstract: This paper focuses on the paradigm shift in teaching that has resulted from the use of information technology (IT) and the ways in which IT in the curriculum enhances music learning in Hong Kong. In 1998 the government proposed a five-year strategy plan, Information Technology for Quality Education, and since this time the Hong Kong education system has changed rapidly, with increasing demands on teachers to upgrade their technological skills and practices. The paper concludes that when IT is carefully planned, designed and integrated into good music practice in classrooms, it can support students' motivation and enhance the quality of learning. * Use Of Information Technology And Music Learning In The Search For Quality Education, M. Ahlert ahlert@wiwi.uni-halle.de , A. Cr er , Jan. 2004, British Journal of Educational Technology * Contributed by Pritha Das _________________________________________________________________ 15. Smoking Out the Rain , Science Now Excerpts: Clouds of smoke don't necessarily bring clouds of rain. Researchers have found that heavy smoke over the Amazon River Basin interferes with the formation of clouds. This can reduce or delay rainfall, (...), and it can make the storms that do occur more violent. All clouds need a certain amount of smoke and dust in order for water droplets to condense. To understand the effects of heavy smoke over the Amazon, two groups compared satellite pictures of Amazon fires with measurements of smoke, rain, and water droplets in clouds. * Smoking Out the Rain, Kim Krieger , 04/02/27, Science Now _________________________________________________________________ 15.01. Sing a Song to Save the Species , Science Now Excerpts: Passing on genes is the bottom line in the game of life. So if you hand off your DNA to infertile kids, your evolutionary score plummets. Not surprisingly, animals have evolved all sorts of ways to make sure they mate successfully. Perhaps the sweetest sounding approach is that of European flycatchers. Researchers have now shown that by creating musical innovation, these birds ensure that they'll woo the right lovers.(...) Because the two species share the same habitat, they sometimes interbreed--a grave mistake, as female hybrids are almost always sterile, (...) * Sing a Song to Save the Species, Menno Schilthuizen , 04/02/24, Science Now _________________________________________________________________ 15.02. Uses And Abuses Of Fractal Methodology In Ecology , Ecol. Lett. Abstract: Fractals have found widespread application in a range of scientific fields, including ecology. This rapid growth has produced substantial new insights, but has also spawned confusion and a host of methodological problems. In this paper, we review the value of fractal methods, in particular for applications to spatial ecology, and outline potential pitfalls. Methods for measuring fractals in nature (...) are surveyed. We stress the limitations and the strengths of fractal models. Strictly speaking, no ecological pattern can be truly fractal, but fractal methods may nonetheless provide the most efficient tool available for describing and predicting ecological patterns at multiple scales. * Uses And Abuses Of Fractal Methodology In Ecology, J. M. Halley , S. Hartley , A. S. Kallimanis , W. E. Kunin , J. J. Lennon , S. P. Sgardelis , Mar. 2004, Ecology Letters * Contributed by Pritha Das _________________________________________________________________ 15.03. Coexistence Of Cryptic Species , Ecol. Lett. Abstract: Recent discovery of cryptic species in fig-pollinating wasps creates a puzzle for the ecological competition theory: how do two or more apparently identical species coexist? Conventional theory predicts that they should not. (...) identified one exception which he considered unlikely to occur in reality: coexistence might be possible if appropriate social behaviour was discriminately directed towards conspecifics and heterospecifics. Here we present an example of the exception by showing that two identical species with local mate competition and population size-dependent sex ratio adjustment may coexist. The new findings (...) provide a putative example of unexpected coexistence of identical competitors via this mechanism. * Coexistence Of Cryptic Species, D.-Y. Zhang , K. Lin , I. Hanski , Mar. 2004, Ecology Letters * Contributed by Pritha Das _________________________________________________________________ 16. Filling Gaps in Genome Organization , Science Excerpts: Whole genome sequences of a variety of species are now known, and the next big challenge is to understand how this vast amount of information is regulated with fidelity in each nucleus. Genomes are organized into chromosomes and may be further subdivided into "domains" based on their activity state, ranging from active (or potentially active) to silent and tightly condensed. (...) The mechanism by which this code is initiated, delimited, and maintained may be central to the fidelity of the gene expression program during development. * Filling Gaps in Genome Organization, Artyom A. Alekseyenko , Mitzi I. Kuroda , Science Feb 20 2004: 1148-1149. _________________________________________________________________ 17. Neuroscience: Immigration Denied , Nature Excerpts: The adult human brain cannot replace lost neurons. This might be because it is reluctant to accept newcomers into an already established neural network, rather than because potential progenitors are absent.(...) First, neural stem cells that can potentially give rise to neurons, as well as to two types of glial cell (astrocytes and oligodendrocytes), are situated in a region of the forebrain (...). Second, a pathway (...) ?which in adult rodents contains neurons that migrate (...) to the brain region concerned with sensing smell ?is absent in humans. * Neuroscience: Immigration Denied, Pasko Rakic pasko.rakic@yale.edu , 04/02/19, Nature427, 685 - 686 _________________________________________________________________ 17.01. Imaging Studies Show How Brain Thinks About Pain , Science Excerpts: When you see someone getting hurt, you flinch. And so does your brain. Indeed, when we empathize with another person's pain, we use many of the same brain areas that are activated by our own experience of pain, a new brain-imaging study on page 1157 has shown. (...) experiment using 16 couples who were romantically involved and presumed to be acutely sensitive to each other's pain. Keeping both partners in the same room, they put the female in a magnetic resonance imaging machine and watched her brain (...) * Imaging Studies Show How Brain Thinks About Pain, Constance Holden , Science Feb 20 2004: 1121 _________________________________________________________________ 18. The Where and When of Intention , Science Excerpts: At a moment of your own choosing, snap your fingers. Now ask yourself: "When did I first feel the urge--or intention--to make that snap? (...) Subjects asked to report when they first felt the "urge" or intention to move typically report the time as ~200 ms before the actual movement. (...). Lau et al. found increased blood flow in the dorsal prefrontal cortex, the intraparietal sulcus, and the pre-supplementary motor area when subjects attended to the time of their urge to move, rather than the movement itself. * The Where and When of Intention, David M. Eagleman , Science Feb 20 2004: 1144-1146 _________________________________________________________________ 18.01. Attention to Intention , Science Abstract: Intention is central to the concept of voluntary action. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we compared conditions in which participants made self-paced actions and attended either to their intention to move or to the actual movement. When they attended to their intention rather than their movement, there was an enhancement of activity in the pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA). We also found activations in the right dorsal prefrontal cortexand left intraparietal cortex. Prefrontal activity, but not parietal activity, was more strongly coupled with activity in the pre-SMA. We conclude that activity in the pre-SMA reflects the representation of intention. * Attention to Intention, Hakwan C. Lau , Robert D. Rogers , Patrick Haggard , Richard E. Passingham , Science Feb 20 2004: 1208-1210. _________________________________________________________________ 18.02. Synthetic Thought , Nature Excerpts: (...) touchstone problems by which progress in AI could be measured. The first was to develop within ten years a computer program that could beat the world chess champion. The second was to develop in about the same length of time a computer program that could translate from one human language to another at a level indistinguishable from that of a professional translator. (...) Amusingly, the first goal has now been achieved by the program Deep Blue II ?but it taught us nothing about human thought processes, * Synthetic Thought, John L. Casti , 04/02/19, DOI: 10.1038/427680a, Nature 427, 680 _________________________________________________________________ 19. Complex Challenges: Global Terrorist Networks _________________________________________________________________ 19.01. On The Pedagogy Of 'Small Wars' , Int. Affairs Abstract: This article argues that flawed western strategies for 'small wars', those fought in the non-European world, have been informed by illusions concerning the cultural, military and political superiority of the West. With 9/11, such wars ceased to be small. Nonetheless, old imperial and orientalist constructions continue to inform western and particularly US perceptions of the war on terror. 'Knowing thy enemy' and 'knowing thyself', (...) requires abandoning flattering accounts of western identity and learning to empathize with those we call terrorists. * On The Pedagogy Of 'Small Wars', T. Barkawi , Jan. 2004, International Affairs * Contributed by Atin Das _________________________________________________________________ 20. Links & Snippets _________________________________________________________________ 20.01. Other Publications - Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems, Christopher G. Prince , Luc Berthouze , Hideki Kozima , Daniel Bullock , Georgi Stojanov , Christian Balkenius , (Eds) , 2003-08, Lund University Cognitive Studies 101 - How Is Sensory Information Processed?, Ilya Nemenman , 2004-02-12, arXiv, DOI: q-bio.NC/0402029 - Competitive Coevolution through Evolutionary Complexification, Stanley, K.O. , Miikkulainen, R. , 2004-02, JAIR 21:63-100 - Optimizing the Mutual Intelligibility of Linguistic Agents in a Shared World, Natalia Komarova , Partha Niyogi , 2004-04, Artificial Intelligence 154(1-2):1-42, DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2003.08.005 - A Fashion Model with Social Interaction, Shoichiro Nakayama , Yasuyuki Nakamura , 2004-02-19, Physica A, Article in Press, Uncorrected Proof, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2004.01.046 - Dynamic Stability of High Dimensional Dynamical Systems, D. J. Albers , J. C. Sprott , SFI Working Papers, DOI: SFI-WP 04-02-007 - Delays, Connection Topology, and Synchronization of Coupled Chaotic Maps, Fatihcan Atay , Juergen Jost , Andreas Wende , SFI Working Papers, DOI: SFI-WP 04-02-004 - Tools of the Trade: The Socio-Technology of Arbitrage in a Wall Street Trading Room, Daniel Beunza and David Stark , SFI Working Papers, DOI: SFI-WP 04-02-003 - Autonomic Defense: Thwarting Automated Attacks Via Real-Time Feedback Control, D. Armstrong , S. Carter , G. Frazier glfrazier@dc.alphatech.com , T. Frazier , online 2004/02/24, Complexity, DOI: 10.1002/cplx.20011 - Blair's Project In Retrospect, J. Gray , Jan. 2004, International Affairs - An Access Control Architecture For Managing Large-Scale Network Applications, H. Trickey , A. Barshefsky , Online 2004/02/05, Bell Labs Technical Journal, DOI: 10.1002/bltj.10084 - Diet Quality And Resource Allocation In The Zebra Finch, A. N. Rutstein , P. J. B. Slater , J. A. Graves , 2004/02/23, Alphagalileo & Biology Letters - The Effects Of Nectar Addition On Pollen Removal And Geitonogamy In The Non-Rewarding Orchid Anacamptis Morio, S. D. Johnson , C. I. Peter , J. Agren , 2004/02/23, Alphagalileo & Proceedings B (Biological Sciences) - The Evolution Of Resistance Through Costly Acquired Immunity, M. R. Boots , R. G. Bowers , 2004/02/23, Alphagalileo & Proceedings B (Biological Sciences) - The Mode Of Pheromone Evolution: Evidence From Bark Beetles, M. R. E. Symonds , M. A. Elgar , 2004/02/23, Alphagalileo & Proceedings B (Biological Sciences) - Stars In Their Eyes - How Celebrities Are Related To Social Development, B. Whiteman ara@le.ac.uk , 2004/02/26, Alphagalileo - Researchers Produce A Hairier Mouse; Transgenic Mouse Shows Other Intriguing Physiological Changes, 2004/02/24, ScienceDaily & University Of Southern California - Consumer Effects Decline With Prey Diversity, H. Hillebrand , B. J. Cardinale , Mar. 2004, Ecology Letters - EU Enlargement And Its Impacts On East Asia, H. Lee hlee@icsead.or.jp , D. van der Mensbrugghe dvandermensbrugg@worldbank.org , online 2004/01/01, Journal of Asian Economics, DOI: 10.1016/j.asieco.2003.09.001 - Pill Puzzle: Do Antibiotics Increase Breast Cancer Risk?, Science News, 04/02/21, Also available in Audible A new study links antibiotic use to breast cancer, although it's not clear the drugs cause the disease. - The Rat In The Hat, 04/02/21, Science News, Also available in Audible A compact positron-emission tomography (PET) brain scanner may make possible studies of awake rats that link brain functions and behaviors. - Big, Hot Molecules Bridge the Gap Between Normal and Surreal, Science Feb 20 2004: 1119 - Scientists slam Bush record, Nature, DOI: 10.1038/427663b - Multistability In The Lactose Utilization Network Of Escherichia Coli , Ertugrul M. Ozbudak , Mukund Thattai , Han N. Lim , Boris I. Shraiman , Alexander Van Oudenaarden , Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature02298 _________________________________________________________________ 20.02. Webcast Announcements Creative Education Exposition, , Taipei, Taiwan, 04/02/12-14 Voices of Public Intellectuals Lecture Series: Democracy's Response to the Terrorist Threat Now in its fifth year, the Radcliffe Institute Voices of Public Intellectuals lecture series brings issues affecting civic life to a public forum. This year's series of three lectures features experts in the study of terrorism and the prosecution of terrorists to explore the effects of terrorism on democracy. These lectures take place in Cambridge on February 26, March 4, and March 11 at 4 p.m. World Economic Forum 2004, Davos, Switzerland Riding the Next Democratic Wave, Al-Thani, Khan, Vike-Freiberga, Wade, Soros, Zakaria, World Economic Forum, 04/01/25 The Future of Global Interdependence, Kharrazi, Held, Owens, Shourie, Annan, Martin, Schwab, World Economic Forum, 04/01/25 Why Victory Against Terrorism Demands Shared Values The Process of Curricular Review: Redefining a World-Class Education, Benedict Gross, Thomas Bender, Harvard@home, 04/01/21, Dean of Harvard College Benedict Gross discusses Harvard's first comprehensive review of the undergraduate curriculum in almost 3 decades. This program introduces the process of curricular review by presenting two segmented lectures. The first, by Dean Gross, outlines the approach and considerations in undertaking the current review. The second lecture, presented by NYU Professor Thomas Bender, presents a historical perspective on academic culture. Cancer Biology , NPR Talk of the Nation, 04/01/16, How the spread of cancer is like wound healing gone awry. Tracking Ebola , NPR Talk of the Nation, 04/01/16, A new study might help scientists predict where Ebola may! strike next. Animal Thought and Communication, NPR Talk of the Nation, 04/01/16, How do animals think and communicate with each other? And what can studying animals tell us about the evolution of language in humans? In this hour, NPR's Ira Flatow and guests look at thought and communication in apes, gorillas and monkeys. What can non-human primates tell us about communication in humans? CODIS 2004, International Conference On Communications, Devices And Intelligent Systems, 2004 Calcutta, India, 04/01/09-10 EVOLVABILITY & INTERACTION: Evolutionary Substrates of Communication, Signaling, and Perception in the Dynamics of Social Complexity, London, UK, 03/10/08-10 The Semantic Web and Language Technology - Its Po tential and Practicalities, Bucharest, Romania, 03/07/28-08/08 ECAL 2003, 7th European Conference on Artificial Life, Dortmund, Germany, 03/09/14-17 New Santa Fe Institute President About His Vision for SFI's Future Role, (Video, Santa Fe, NM, 03/06/04) SPIE's 1st Intl Symp on Fluctuations and Noise, Santa Fe, NM, 2003/06/01-04 NAS Sackler Colloquium on Mapping Knowledge Domains, Video/Audio Report, 03/05/11 13th Ann Intl Conf, Soc f Chaos Theory in Psych & Life Sciences, Boston, MA, USA, 2003/08/08-10 CERN Webcast Service, Streamed videos of Archived Lectures and Live Events Dean LeBaron's Archive of Daily Video Commentary, Ongoing Since February 1998 Edge Videos _________________________________________________________________ 20.03. Conference & Call for Papers Announcements Conference on Longevity , Sydney, Australia, 04/03/05-07 Arbeitskreis Physik sozio-ökonomischer Systeme Jahrestagung (AKSOE), Regensburg, Germany, 04/03/08-12 11th Annual Winter Chaos Conference Dynamical Systems Thinking in Science and Society, Stony Creek, CT, USA, 04/03/12-14 Alife Mutants' Hackingsession on Systems and Organisms, Bielefeld (Germany), 04/03/06-13 Capital Science 2004, Washington, 04/03/20-21 Fractal 2004, "Complexity and Fractals in Nature", 8th Intl Multidisciplinary Conf, Vancouver, Canada, 04/04/04-07 6th German Workshop on Artificial Life 2004 (GWAL-6), Bamberg, Germany, 04/04/14-16 The 9th IEEE Intl Conf on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Florence, Italy, 04/04/14-16 Complexity Science and the Exploration of the Emerging World, Austin, TX, 04/04/17 2004 Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (ASTC'04), Arlington, VA., USA, 04/04/18-22 NKS (New Kind of Science) 2004 Conference and Minicourse, Boston, Massachusetts, 04/04/22-25 IDS'04 - Intentional Dynamic Systems Symposium, Memphis, TN, USA, 04/04/24-26 Urban Vulnerability and Network Failure: Constructions and Experiences of Emergencies, Crises and Collapse, Manchester, UK, 04/04/29-30 What Really Matters ?The Global Forum 2004, Santa Fe, NM, 04/05/02-04 5th International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS2004), Boston, MA, USA, 04/05/16-21 3rd Intl Conf on Systems Thinking in Management (ICSTM 2004) "Transforming Organizations to Achieve Sustainable Success", Philadelphia, Pa, USA, 04/05/19-21 4th Intl Conf on Fractals And Dynamic Systems In Geoscience, München, Germany, 04/05/19-22 9th Annual Workshop on Economics and Heterogeneous Interaction Agents (WEHIA04), Kyoto, Japan, 2004/05/27-29 13th International Symposium on HIV & Emerging Infectious Diseases, Toulon, France, 04/06/03-05 ECC8 Experimental Chaos Conference, Florence, Italy, 04/06/14-17 An Intl Tribute to Francisco Varela, Paris,04/06/18-20 7th Intl Conf on Linking Systems Thinking, Innovation,Quality, Entrepreneurship and Environment (STIQE), MARIBOR, SLOVENIA, 04/06/24-26 NAACSOS 2004, North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science, Pittsburgh PA, 04/06/27-29 Statphys - Kolkata V An International Conference on Complex Networks: Structure, Function and Processes , Kolkata, India, 04/06/27-30 ICAD 2004 10th International Conference on Auditory Display, Sydney, Australia, 04/07/06-09 3rd Intl School Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications , Urbino (Italy), 04/07/07-09 `Perspectives on Nonlinear Dynamics 2004 (PNLD-2004), Chennai, India, 04/07/12-15 From Animals To Animats 8, 8th Intl Conf On The Simulation Of Adaptive Behavior (SAB'04), Los Angeles, USA, 04/07/13-17 14th Annual International Conference The Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences , Milwaukee, WI, USA, 04/07/15-18 Facing Complexity, Wellington, NZ, 04/07/15-17 Gordon Research Conference on "Oscillations & Dynamic Instabilities In Chemical Systems", Lewiston, ME, 04/07/18-23 3rd Intl Conf Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems Conference (AAMAS 2004), New York City, 04/07/19-23 7th Intl Workshop on: Trust in Agent Societies , New York City, 04/07/19-20 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 04/07/18-21 2004 Summer Simulation MultiConference (SummerSim'04), San Jose Hyatt, San Jose, California, 04/07/25-29 SME 2004 Symposium on Modeling and Control of Economic Systems , University in Redlands, CA, 04/01/28-31 6th International Mathematica Symposium (IMS 2004), Banff, Canada, 04/08/02-06 Fractals and Natural Hazards at 32nd Intl Geological Congress (IGC), Florence, Italy, 04/08/20-28 ICCC 2004, IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, , Vienna, Austria, 04/08/30-09/01 ANTS 2004, 4th International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, Brussels, Belgium, 04/09/05-08 Dynamic Ontology, An Inquiry into Systems, Emergence, Levels of Reality, and Forms of Causality, Trento, Italy, 04/09/08-11 9th Intl Conf on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (ALIFE9), Boston, Massachusetts, 04/09/12-15 The Verhulst 200 on Chaos, Brussels, BELGIUM, 04/09/16-18 The 8th Intl Conf on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN VIII), Birmingham, UK, 04/09/18-22 XVII Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Sao Luis, Maranhao - Brazil, 04/09/22-24 TEDMED Conference , Charleston SC, 04/10/12-15 Wolfram Technology Conference, Champaign, Illinois, 04/10/21-23 6th Intl Conf on Electronic Commerce ICEC'2004: Towards A New Services Landscape, Delft, The Netherlands, 04/10/25-27 Complexity and Philosophy Workshop - 2-Day Conference , Rio de Janeiro, 04/11 _________________________________________________________________ 20.03.01. Strategic Thinking in a Complex World , Smithsonian Resident Associates Program Recognizing the world as one vast interconnected system is essential to understanding the level of complexity in today global environment. This course is designed to give you a working knowledge of complexity science, and to show how to apply insights from the new science to your life and work, and to world events. * Strategic Thinking in a Complex World, T. Irene Sanders , David Rejeski , 04/05/01-22, Smithsonian Resident Associates Program _________________________________________________________________ Complexity Digest is an independent publication available to organizations that may wish to repost ComDig (http://www.comdig.org/) to their own mailing lists. ComDig (http://www.comdig.org/) is published by Dean LeBaron (http://www.deanlebaron.com/index.html) and edited by Gottfried J. Mayer (http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/g/x/gxm21/). 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